Monday, July 18, 2011

It's a healthy baby...

Today I had my 19 week ultrasound and got to see our healthy baby! It was so wonderful to see the strong beating heart, the sweet face and all the other parts. The ultrasound tech said that our baby looked just beautiful and everything was measuring right on track. It's always so reassuring to hear!

We were also eager to find out if we are having a baby girl or boy...and our families were waiting to open their envelopes for the big surprise...

We let them know they could open envelope #2. It turns out that they were right at our 13 week ultrasound, we are having a healthy baby...

We are thrilled! Cole on the other hand is in denial and is insisting that he is supposed to be getting a little brother. When the ultrasound tech told us it was a girl, he immediately said "No, I'm having a baby brother, not a sister." It was hilarious. He'll have plenty of time to let the idea sink in. I think he is used to all the little boys running around, he's just not sure what to think about this whole girl thing.


  1. Congratulations! Luckily, Cole will have some time to get used to the idea of another girl in the house. -Kalei

  2. what a cute idea with the cards! love the ultrasound pics too! Those are great!

  3. So excited for you!! I thought for sure you were joining the 2 boys club. Jealous but happy!!!!!!!

  4. Haley we are so happy for you guys. Holden can't wait to meet his little cousin- only months apart! Much love XOXO Ken, Harmony & Holden
