Friday, February 28, 2014

I am 7 months old today

I am sitting up
I am rolling all over the place
I still suck my thumb and put myself to sleep that way
I am starting to sleep though the night
I am eating lots of new foods and like to try new ones
I am full of smiles and laughs
I love listening to Daddy play the guitar for me
I love bath time, especially with my sister
I had my first hair cut 
I am very interested in our dog
I add so much fun to my family

xoxo, Mom

Project fail

I saw this great idea to set up your camera on a timer on Christmas morning and get shots at regular intervals. The idea is to get a stream of photos, like 100, that capture the craziness and fun of the morning and then put them together in a video. Well, our camera doesn't have a repeat set timer and I almost forgot about it, so I didn't get many shots. There is always next year. At any rate, here they are.