Thursday, March 22, 2012

I am 4 months old today

12lbs 8oz (27th %), 24in (43rd %)
A lot less crying and much more smiling
Constantly entertained by big brother
Learning to sleep better
Fascinated by the discovery of her own hands and feet
Thumb sucker
Very close to rolling over
Grabbing at objects
Mama's girl

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Looking at little Stella it's hard for me to remember when Cole was a baby and all of the little things. I came across this video I made for his first birthday, what a fun reminder of that special first year.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Birthday boy

Space theme. Rocket cake. Lots of kiddos with flushed cheeks after wearing themselves out at JJ Jump!

Sunday, March 4, 2012

I am 4 today

After my 4th birthday party, I decided I want to turn 5, then 6, then 20
I love to draw and practice writing my name
I say the word "actually" all the time
I run really fast, my muscles are getting big
I like to collect things and hide them all over the house
I love my baby sister
I like cars with spoilers
I am all about Dad these days

Happy Birthday to our big boy. We love you and have had a wonderful year watching you grow up!