Saturday, January 15, 2011

Yesterday was a long day

This was the face yesterday. All day. We had tantrums and meltdowns and crocodile tears all over the place. Some days are just like that.

One of the wonderful things about having kids is that God knows just when to give you a break and remind you just how precious the gift of children is. When you think you just can't take any more you start falling in love with them all over again.

When I went to get Cole up from his nap yesterday he was a hot mess. He had food and crumbs stuck to his face, one sock off and one sock on, and crusty eyes from all the crying. I crawled into bed with him and we cuddled for a long time and I just looked at him and treasured my little boy - who is almost 3! When he woke up he was all smiles, back to his usual cheerful self.