Thursday, September 15, 2011

First day of school

Cole had his first day of preschool today, he's officially part of the Terrific Turtle class. No surprise, he loved it. Very excited about being the line leader and was sad to leave until I reminded him that he will get to come back tomorrow.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Labor Day weekend

We had a Labor Day weekend Campbell family extravaganza. The guys did golf, girls did pedicures, and we met up as a big group in between for a BBQ and a park play date.
Jeff, David, Dad and Ken

Cousins - Berkley, Holden, Ainsley, Cole and Connor

Our attempt at a family shot
The whole gang

Jeff hangin' with Holden

Sunday, September 4, 2011

I am 3.5 today

I like to give big "huggy-kissies"
I have decided I am 4, not 3
I just started riding my bike
I have accepted that I am going to have a baby sister, and I'm excited about it
I have a new saying: "Oh yeah, you said it mama!"
I love to cuddle and always want to play with my mama's hair
I talk a lot. A LOT
I am starting preschool in a few weeks
My best friends are Jax, Carter, Teague and Kaleb
When I am asked every night before bed what I am thankful for, I almost always say, "My Mama, my Daddy and my Dee. And my purple car."
I love to do puzzles and play games
One of my favorite things to do is go to the driving range with my Daddy
This year I went camping twice and can't wait to again next year
I have a sweet heart, and loving nature
I am very social and like to flirt

We love you Cole! You continue to amaze us and make us smile every day with your lovable personality and character.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

The bump

We keep forgetting to take pictures of my ever-expanding waistline. Here are a couple:

At about 17 weeks with my bump buddy; my dear and very adorable friend Danielle. She is due with her third a couple of weeks before me, and we're both having girls.

And a very unflattering but the we-just-remembered-to-do-this-at-10pm-on-a-Tuesday shot, 25 weeks.
And no, I'm not having twins. Some of us just carry large, ok?