Thursday, May 14, 2009

Welcome to our new blog...

We've decided (well, I have decided, as the sole picture organizer of our family) to move to a family blog instead of just a website for Cole. It's getting harder to keep up with posting monthly and this should be a better format to update folks on all our lives.
Here are some recent pictures to get the ball rolling...

Carter + Cole taking a snooze

Future Duck fan

Cole is now 14 months old and exploring the world in new ways all the time. Currently, his favorite activities include: searching for belly buttons, throwing balls and trying to feed other people. He is quite the talker, with a vocabulary of "mom", "dad", "ball", "dog", "milk cup", "papa" and "cat". We are working on adding "please" :)


  1. so cute. love the new Pearson family blog. I am a little nervous about deviating from babysite format because it is what I know, but you are such a pioneer in the terms of blogs/websites, maybe you could teach me how to set up a blog someday?

  2. of course cynthia - although I don't think you need help, you are a blogging pro as well!
