I have been behind on everything delayed in getting up a post for our sweet baby boy Beckett who is officially ONE! His birthday week was a busy one as we celebrated him and enjoyed a full week together for a staycation while Jeff had time off of work. I can't remember another time when Jeff was off for 9 days straight! It was a perfect time enjoy being together and reflect on how our lives have been blessed by our sweet boy.
Beckett, I always want you to know how much we enjoy having you in our family and adore you. You bring a joy we didn't have before, a calm and peaceful way about you and a smile that is infectious. You are a flirt and drawn toward people and animals. You love to be cuddled and held, but you are also intrigued by new things and cautiously seek out new adventures. I look forward to that first moment in the day with you when you start babbling in your crib and I come to get you, it is the best part of my day to see you grinning, reaching up for me. Your brother and sister adore you. Stella always needs to know where you are, and wants to help with "her baby boy". Cole keeps talking about all the things he wants to teach you and lets me know with excitement whenever you say a new "word". You are a treasure in our world. We can't wait to learn more about you as your personality unfolds to us over the next few years. Sweet Mr. Beck you are so loved.
I admit I was very nervous about what it would mean for our family to have a third child. I wondered if I would have enough love and energy to go around. I simply didn't know if I would be able to keep up and wanted you to have the same wonderful experience I had with your siblings. I worried for nothing, because God knew that you were the perfect addition to our family. You have made it easy, and our lives are so much richer because of you. It is busy, but it is more wonderful that I could have imagined. We love you soooo much B!
I have 7 teeth
I am cruising and very close to walking
I point and wave
I sleep 12-13 hours a night
I love playing with balloons
I am in the 56% for height and 49% for weight for my age
I like to throw things
I think it's hilarious to feed the dog my food
I love being in the pool and going in the sprinkler
I love the beach and playing in the sand
I constantly climb under the dining room table and get stuck
Bananas and cheese are my favorite foods
I have had my first haircut
Xoxo, Mom
Happy Birthday to Beckett! I love what you shared Haley. He IS such a blessing and has made all of our lives richer. Lots of love to Beckett and the other four of you. xoxo