Friday, July 15, 2011

Little bean - blue or pink?

We find out next week if the baby is a boy or a girl, and can't wait. The ultrasound tech gave a good guess from a "very good look" at the 13 week ultrasound but you just never know so we've kept it to ourselves to see if her guess was right.

I don't know what it is about anything baby related but I just get cheesy about the whole thing. We wanted to have a gender reveal party but it was just to hard to get all of the family together over the busy summer so we settled on another plan.

Each of our sides of the family got an envelope in the mail this week that has two envelopes inside, numbered 1 and 2 - one for a girl and one for a boy, but they don't know which is which. When we find out, we'll let them know what envelope to open. Here's what else they got:

And here are the guesses...

Harmony gets extra credit for taking her picture while in labor. That is commitment.

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