Sunday, July 22, 2012

I am 8 months old today

I have a signature nose scrunch
I sleep from 7 to 6
I am trying so hard to crawl
I love it when my brother pulls me up to standing and hugs me
I join Daddy for runs in the morning in the jogging stroller
I have liked every food I've tried so far
I say "ma ma" and "da da" all day long

I tell you, these two are getting more and more bonded each day. They are starting to "play" together and Cole has a hard time waiting for her to get up from naps because he says he misses her. It brings tears to my eyes that our little baby is already 8 months old and getting so close to being mobile. It's going too fast!

Wednesday, July 11, 2012


Cole was terrified to start swim lessons this summer. So, like any good Mom, I just didn't tell him what were doing on his first day. He had a moment of panic and didn't want to go but as soon as the teacher called him over he let go of his fears and is having a blast. Here are a couple of videos I took to show to Jeff.

And here he is at the outdoor pool with his friends Hannah and Danica. He has already declared his love for Hannah and tells me daily that he plans to marry her. When I ask him what it means to be married he says, "to be really good friends".