Thursday, December 22, 2011

I am 1 month old today

Kickin' it with my cousin Holden

I am growing and growing! I now weigh 7lbs, 9oz and am 20.25 inches long
I love it when people sing to me
I am a grunter and a squeaker
I look good in pink
I am a big fan of the pacifier
I am not a big fan of the carseat
I am sleeping more in my crib
I love being cuddled, especially by my daddy
I am starting to track things with my eyes and turn my head from side to side

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Sunday, December 4, 2011

My birth story

Before I forget the details of how our sweet girl arrived...

I had been having contractions on and off for a few weeks before I started actual labor, but nothing too regular. The night before Stella was born, I started having very intense contractions about 3 mins apart. They lasted for an hour or so then calmed down. That night, I continued to have more and more increasingly intense contractions, but still not three mins apart (they told me to come into labor and delivery when they were consistently three mins apart for at least two hours). I tried to get some sleep and figured it was just more of the same. That morning, I was lying in bed with Cole watching cartoons and I suspected that my water had broken, it was 8am. I stood up and it was just like the movies, no doubt that my water broke! I called Jeff upstairs and told him what had happened, and let him know he should call his mom to come get Cole, because I just knew that things were going to progress fast. I jumped into the shower and by 9am we had our bags packed and were off to the hospital. At the hospital they confirmed that my water broke and the contractions continued to be regular and increase with intensity.

The labor and delivery floor was very busy that day, so it took a bit to get a room. By the time we were settled into the delivery room things had really picked up and I was starting to enter transition. Within about 30 mins or so, I went from 4cm to 8cm dilated and was really struggling with managing the pain. It was so much more intense than my delivery with Cole and while I knew I was close to the end, I decided to opt for an epidural to get a little rest before pushing. I was so exhausted having been up a lot the night before with contractions and I was longing for a break. My sweet nurse warned me that if the anesthesiologist was busy I may not be able to get an epidural and kept providing me encouragement that I was so close, and that I could do it. I remember telling her "I know I can do it, but I don't want to do it!" Luckily, the anesthesiologist was able to get to me very quickly and I soon had some relief. Not long after that, my doctor showed up and I was ready to push. Just a few minutes of pushing and our sweet girl arrived! She was bright pink and we noticed all of her dark hair right away. She was put right on my chest and seemed to calm right down when she heard our voices and was close. Jeff was once again, a fantastic partner during my labor, encouraging me and supporting me in just the right ways through the whole thing. They did notice Stella had some wheezing and were concerned that she might be having a little trouble breathing so they took her away for a quick check with the NICU doctor. She checked out just fine!

After she had her first bath and we had spent some time with her, my parents showed up. I had called them when we were headed to the hospital and they jumped into their car and drove over from Bend. We then called Jeff's parents who had Cole, and let them know she was born and could come meet her. And that's when it all started...we found out Cole had just thrown up. We decided to wait an hour and see how he was doing. He had continued to throw up and so we knew that not only Cole, but Jeff's parents wouldn't be able to visit. Jeff eventually went home to take care of Cole who was very sick, and ended up going to the ER that night for fluids and anti-nausea meds. Stella and I spent our first few days alone at the hospital, which was a little lonely and tough considering I was still recovering. After Cole was better, Jeff came to visit the last night at the hospital and help me out a bit. Within a few hours of being there, he became sick with the same symptoms as Cole and also ended up in the ER. He stayed at Jeff's parents for a couple of days. Then Jeff's parents got sick. Then my mom got sick. And the last to get sick was my Dad. Of course we were worried that Stella would catch the bug but we were both protected.

Her first week was quite the whirlwind as we were all quarantined in different areas of the house and worked to sterilize every inch. We are grateful that Stella was spared the awful stomach virus and now everyone is back to feeling normal!

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

One week old

People keep telling us how much Stella looks like Cole, so I had to pull up an old picture of him to compare. Cole is on the left, and Stella on the right, both at one week old.

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Little Miss Stella

Our sweet daughter Stella arrived this week and we are in love! She is so darling, and has such an easy going personality so far. Cole is adjusting well to having a new sister and we are settling into our family of four with lots of help from friends and family. We are so grateful for this wonderful blessing of a healthy and happy baby!

Stella Campbell Pearson
Born November 22 at 12:49pm
6lbs, 6oz; 18.5 in.

Friday, November 18, 2011


Pretty much done with the nursery...we are just waiting for our little girl to arrive! I wanted to do something girly and feminine, but not all pink. I am in love with the little chandelier and the fun accessories I came across. Of course, it is random and not at all what I had invisioned, but that's the way it usually goes!

Friday, November 11, 2011


Cole said to me while in his pirate costume for Halloween, "Mama, the reason I'm not answering you is because I'm not Cole anymore. I'm Captain Hook. Ok? Got it?"

Thursday, November 10, 2011


Fall has been so beautiful in the NW this year!
Field trip to the pumpkin patch with his school
His class - we just love Ms. Vicki and Ms. Wendy!
The rule was that you had to pick a pumpkin that you could carry yourself.

Helping me can applesauce.

Pumpkin patch visit and carving party with Oma & G-Pa

Finished pumpkins - Jeff, Cole, Haley and G-Pa's

Friday, October 28, 2011

Little man Holden

We had a quick visit from our little buddy Holden last weekend. I can't believe how much he looks my sister and he's getting this gorgeous reddish-brown hair just like Harmony. Cutie pie!

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Baby Bump: 33 weeks

I was treated to some maternity photos from another one of my fabulous photog friends - Koren Faust of Kaptured by Koren. I never thought much about getting professional maternity photos taken because it is hard enough some times to see pictures of yourself, much less when your figure is expanding weekly. However, I am glad I did because I want to remember just how special this time has been and how my body has graciously cared for and grown this precious baby girl inside of me. Some of my favorites:

I received this necklace from some of my very dear friends before I got pregnant. It says, "faith", "hope" and "love".
When I wear it I am always reminded of the support that surrounds us.

Friday, October 7, 2011

Back to school photos

I keep company with some fabulous photographer friends who bless us with their talents from time to time. A few weeks ago, Anna Hollister and Heather Beam set up a little mini session in the park for some back to school photos. Of course, it was chaos because there were ten rambunctious children running around, but they got some adorable shots despite the usual craziness of our playdates.

Here are a few Anna shared with us:


Monday, October 3, 2011

30 weeks

Saw the little bean in an ultrasound today, she looked awfully cute. The ultrasound tech commented on her chubby cheeks and baby even gave us a wink. 10 more weeks to go!

Thursday, September 15, 2011

First day of school

Cole had his first day of preschool today, he's officially part of the Terrific Turtle class. No surprise, he loved it. Very excited about being the line leader and was sad to leave until I reminded him that he will get to come back tomorrow.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Labor Day weekend

We had a Labor Day weekend Campbell family extravaganza. The guys did golf, girls did pedicures, and we met up as a big group in between for a BBQ and a park play date.
Jeff, David, Dad and Ken

Cousins - Berkley, Holden, Ainsley, Cole and Connor

Our attempt at a family shot
The whole gang

Jeff hangin' with Holden

Sunday, September 4, 2011

I am 3.5 today

I like to give big "huggy-kissies"
I have decided I am 4, not 3
I just started riding my bike
I have accepted that I am going to have a baby sister, and I'm excited about it
I have a new saying: "Oh yeah, you said it mama!"
I love to cuddle and always want to play with my mama's hair
I talk a lot. A LOT
I am starting preschool in a few weeks
My best friends are Jax, Carter, Teague and Kaleb
When I am asked every night before bed what I am thankful for, I almost always say, "My Mama, my Daddy and my Dee. And my purple car."
I love to do puzzles and play games
One of my favorite things to do is go to the driving range with my Daddy
This year I went camping twice and can't wait to again next year
I have a sweet heart, and loving nature
I am very social and like to flirt

We love you Cole! You continue to amaze us and make us smile every day with your lovable personality and character.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

The bump

We keep forgetting to take pictures of my ever-expanding waistline. Here are a couple:

At about 17 weeks with my bump buddy; my dear and very adorable friend Danielle. She is due with her third a couple of weeks before me, and we're both having girls.

And a very unflattering but the we-just-remembered-to-do-this-at-10pm-on-a-Tuesday shot, 25 weeks.
And no, I'm not having twins. Some of us just carry large, ok?

Friday, August 26, 2011

Cousin Camp

My sister Morgan and I wanted to start a new tradition with the cousins in the fam by doing "Cousin Camp." Morgan took the four kiddos for a few days, and then they came to our house for a few days. It was such a special time because I got some quality time with each of my nieces and nephews, and Cole just cannot get enough of them. He keeps asking me when the next Cousin Camp is. Of course Morgan's kids are so polite and easy natured, they made it easy on me.

While they were with me, we packed in a ton of fun stuff. We spent a day at the fabulous Alderbrook Park, did a super-competitive water balloon toss challenge, played games and did puzzles, had dinner out and spent time at one of our favorite local parks. I was beat afterward, but I love having these memories with them. Next year we are hoping that Holden and Baby Pearson can join in on the fun!

Cole and Berkley powering up with a high protein breakfast

Water balloon toss

This picture is blurry but I love it.
The kids were really into puzzles and worked hard to finish this one while Cole was napping.

Ainsley: Ainlsey is just a sweet, sweet girl. She was always saying please and thank you, and is so helpful with Cole. She reminds me a bit of me at a kid because she loves to read and we talked a lot about books. I can't remember a time when she didn't do what I asked of her, and she lets me give her lots of hugs and love.

Connor: There is something really special about the Con-Bon. He used to run from me when I would try to hug him and was a bit shy when I would try to talk to him, but lately I see a different side. He was so fun to be around, because he has a silly sense of humor and a cute smirk when he makes a joke. Really reminds me of my Dad. He also takes special care to look out for Cole, which melts my heart.

Berkley: B is the fire and spice of the group. She has no problem keeping up with the big kids and is always moving. She looks just like her mama and has the cutest little calves you've ever seen. She was always singing and humming, and taught me all the words to Thumbkin.